yang lalu lalang je



LoOk.. I enjoy my life when it gives me sumthing to be happy for .I don't give a FUCK about sadness!
When it comes I cry and scream, but I don't show it and I usually know how to be emotionally strong!
Why can't people just be themselves man or man don't try to impress other people by being sOmeone you no your not. I love people around me,as long as theylove me toO . I do care about people, but I caremostly about myself. I don't mind being critised .
I am no one's pet and i'll never be One!!!!!

March 2, 2011

D' Tree semenyih . nyum nyum

orang yang BERSELERA + perot besar macam aku , memang tak pandang laa makanan yang biase2 niy . padahal memang dah sah2 melayu TULEN ! anak tekak aku niy nak yang high taste je oke . lagi2 kalo pegi makan kat tempat niy . dapat jer MENU , tak payah nak selak lebih2 buku tuh . NAK order wastern food yang 16 rm ++ jer , perghhhh . *TAK HERAN LAA IF LEPAS NIY KORANG TAKNAK BAWAK AKU PEGI MAKAN KAN . oke2 faham ! haha . malas nak citer menjele jele weyh . hambik niy sekilas lalu . niy baru sikit .

mashroom SOP ! pekat niy . cicah pulak dgn
garlic BUN ! wallaweyh .
rm 6.80 ++

MIx lamb + chicken blackpaper CHOP !
jgn tanye laa kalo aku bole hirop kuah kat pinggan tu
sampai LICIN ! yes aku memamg TAK senonoh .
rm 17 ++

SOSage wif EGG roll special .
rm4.50 ++

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